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History and heritage

Our region is brimming with architectural nuggets, historic monuments that make up the richness of our local heritage.

The Cistercian abbey of Boquen

10 minutes drive

Crédits: Côtes d'Armor Tourisme

The Cistercian Abbey of Boquen, 10 minutes from the Domaine, is a place steeped in history, spirituality and architectural beauty. 


  1. A Cistercian architectural gem: Boquen Abbey is a remarkable example of Cistercian architecture, with its sober, functional religious buildings characteristic of this monastic order. Visitors can admire the clean lines and harmonious proportions of the buildings, which bear witness to the skill of the monk builders.

  2. A place steeped in history: Founded in the 12th century by Cistercian monks, Boquen Abbey has enjoyed a rich and eventful history over the centuries. It has witnessed many historic events, from the prosperity of the Cistercian order to its decline during the French Revolution.

  3. A spiritual and peaceful atmosphere: Boquen Abbey is a place of retreat and prayer, where a spiritual and peaceful atmosphere reigns. Visitors can meditate in the abbey church, visit the chapels and meditation rooms, or simply enjoy the calm and serenity of the monastic gardens.

  4. Cultural and artistic activities: Today, Boquen Abbey is also a dynamic cultural center, hosting contemporary art exhibitions, concerts, conferences and spiritual retreats. These events help to enliven the site and keep its cultural heritage alive.

  5. A place to meet and exchange ideas: Boquen Abbey is a place where visitors can discover monastic life, take part in spiritual and cultural activities, or simply chat with the monks and members of the monastic community.

  6. In short, Boquen Cistercian Abbey is much more than just a historical site; it's a place steeped in spirituality, history and culture, offering visitors an immersive experience of monastic life and Brittany's Cistercian heritage. It's a place where you can recharge your batteries, reflect and reconnect with the region's spiritual and cultural tradition.

Medieval town of Moncontour

15 minutes drive

Droits d'auteur : alexandre lamoureux

The medieval town of Moncontour is a true architectural and historical gem. 


  1. A preserved medieval setting: Moncontour is renowned for its perfectly preserved historic center, which seems frozen in time. The cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, ramparts and defensive towers give visitors the impression of stepping back several centuries to medieval times.

  2. Remarkable architectural heritage: The Cité de Moncontour is home to many historic buildings that bear witness to its prestigious past. These include the Saint-Mathurin church, the 15th-century town hall, the Tour de l'Horloge and the Tour de César, all of which offer breathtaking views of the town and its surroundings.

  3. An authentic, peaceful atmosphere: Moncontour exudes a peaceful, authentic atmosphere, perfect for relaxing and strolling. Visitors can wander at will through the picturesque lanes, admire the colorful facades of the houses and soak up the unique atmosphere of this place steeped in history.

  4. Typical craftsmen and shops: The medieval town of Moncontour is also home to many craftsmen and shops that perpetuate the region's ancestral traditions. Visitors can discover the arts and crafts workshops, local produce stores and art galleries for which the town is famous.

  5. Cultural and festive events: Throughout the year, Moncontour hosts numerous cultural and festive events that attract visitors from all over the region. Among the most popular events are the medieval market, open-air concerts, art exhibitions and themed festivals that enliven the town and delight locals and visitors alike.

  6. In short, the medieval town of Moncontour is a veritable jewel of architecture and history, where visitors can discover the timeless charm of medieval Brittany. With its remarkable architectural heritage, authentic atmosphere and varied cultural activities, Moncontour is a must-see destination for anyone wishing to travel back in time and immerse themselves in the region's fascinating past.

Hunaudaye Castle

20 minutes drive

Crédits: Fédération Française des Audioguides Historiques

Château de la Hunaudaye is an impressive medieval fortress that bears witness to the region's tumultuous history.


  1. A majestic medieval fortress: Château de la Hunaudaye is an imposing fortress built in the 13th century, dominating the surrounding landscape with its imposing towers and sturdy walls. With its well-preserved medieval architecture, the château offers visitors a journey back in time to the era of knights and feudal lords.

  2. A site steeped in history: Château de la Hunaudaye has witnessed many historic events over the centuries, from the Hundred Years' War to the Wars of Religion. Visitors can discover the castle's fascinating history through guided tours, exhibitions and historical re-enactments.

  3. Picturesque gardens and moat: The gardens of Château de la Hunaudaye, bordered by a peaceful moat, offer a picturesque setting for strolling and relaxing. Visitors can stroll through flowerbeds, lush green lawns and century-old trees, while admiring the castle's impressive fortifications.

  4. Cultural and artistic events: Château de la Hunaudaye is also a dynamic venue, regularly hosting cultural events, art exhibitions, concerts and medieval shows. These events bring the château to life, allowing visitors to discover its history and culture in an interactive way.

  5. A panoramic view of the Breton countryside: From the top of the castle's towers, visitors can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding Breton countryside. Green hills, rolling fields and picturesque villages stretch as far as the eye can see, offering an enchanting landscape to contemplate.

Temple of Mars in Corseul

30 minutes drive

Crédits: Côtes d'Armor Tourisme

The Temple de Mars in Corseul, Brittany, is a remarkable archaeological site that bears witness to the former grandeur of the Gallo-Roman city of Fanum Martis. 


  1. A vestige of Roman Antiquity: The Temple de Mars is one of the few remains of the Roman presence in Brittany. Built in the 2nd century AD, it was dedicated to the god Mars, divinity of war and fertility, and served as a place of worship and gathering for the inhabitants of the city of Fanum Martis.

  2. Imposing architecture: The Temple of Mars was once an imposing edifice, with its marble columns, sculpted bas-reliefs and red-tiled roof. Although only part of its foundations and a few remains remain today, the majesty of this ancient edifice can still be imagined.

  3. Revealing archaeological digs: Archaeological digs have unearthed numerous artifacts and remains around the Temple of Mars, offering visitors a valuable insight into daily life in the Roman city of Fanum Martis. Sculptures, pottery, coins and other objects were discovered, providing important information on the history and culture of the region in Roman times.

  4. A place of mystery and fascination: Le Temple de Mars holds a special fascination for visitors, attracting history buffs and archaeology enthusiasts alike. Its isolated location in the heart of the Breton countryside adds to its mystery and charm, providing an enchanting setting for a cultural and educational visit.

  5. A testimony to the glorious past of Roman Brittany: The Temple de Mars is a precious testimony to the glorious past of Roman Brittany, recalling the region's importance in the Roman Empire and its lasting cultural legacy. It's a place where you can immerse yourself in Brittany's ancient history and imagine the lives of the Romans who lived here centuries ago.

The Chapel of Saint-Yves' house

30 minutes drive

Crédits: Saint-Brieuc

The Chapelle de la Maison Saint-Yves, a model of art deco, is a landmark steeped in history and spirituality.




  1. A historic place of worship: La Chapelle de la Maison Saint-Yves is a religious edifice dating back to the Middle Ages, bearing witness to the faith and devotion of the region's inhabitants for centuries. Constructed of stone, its architecture is typical of the period, with Gothic vaults, pointed arches and colorful stained glass windows.

  2. Dedicated to Saint Yves: The chapel is dedicated to Saint Yves, the patron saint of lawyers and lawyers in Brittany. It is a place of pilgrimage for the faithful, who come to honor this saint and ask for his protection and intercession.

  3. A sanctuary of spirituality: La Chapelle de la Maison Saint-Yves is a sanctuary of spirituality where visitors can meditate and find inner peace. Its majestic vaulted ceilings, religious frescoes and serene atmosphere make it an ideal place for contemplation and prayer.

  4. Religious and cultural events: The chapel regularly hosts religious events, liturgical celebrations and sacred music concerts, offering visitors the opportunity to experience moments of contemplation and spiritual uplift in an enchanting setting.

  5. A testimony to Brittany's heritage: The Chapelle de la Maison Saint-Yves is also a precious testimony to Brittany's religious and architectural heritage. It attracts lovers of history, art and culture, who come to admire its beauty and discover its fascinating history.

Quintin Castle

35 minutes drive

Crédits: Saint-Brieuc

The Château de Quintin, located in the town of the same name in Brittany, is a magnificent example of medieval and Renaissance architecture. 


  1. An impressive medieval fortress : The Château de Quintin rises majestically above the town, with its imposing towers and thick walls bearing witness to its past as a medieval fortress. Its imposing silhouette dominates the surrounding landscape, offering visitors a spectacular view from the ramparts.

  2. A blend of medieval and Renaissance architecture: Château de Quintin is a remarkable example of medieval and Renaissance architecture, with its medieval defensive elements, such as towers and moats, combined with more refined Renaissance decorative elements, such as mullioned windows and carved fireplaces.

  3. French-style gardens: The French-style gardens of Château de Quintin offer an elegant and peaceful setting for strolling and relaxing. Visitors can stroll through flower beds, shady paths and elegant fountains, while admiring the beauty of the château and its surroundings.

  4. A place steeped in history: Château de Quintin has witnessed many historic events over the centuries, from the Hundred Years' War to the Wars of Religion. Visitors can discover the castle's fascinating history through guided tours, exhibitions and historical re-enactments.

  5. A place for culture and the arts: Château de Quintin is also a dynamic venue, regularly hosting cultural events, art exhibitions, concerts and medieval shows. These events bring the castle to life, allowing visitors to discover its history and culture in an interactive way.


Léhon, a small town full of character

40 minutes drive

Crédits: Cotes d'Armor Tourisme

Léhon, in Brittany, is a charming medieval village perched on the banks of the River Rance. 


  1. A village with a rich historical heritage: Léhon is a village steeped in history, with narrow cobbled streets, half-timbered houses and well-preserved medieval monuments. At the heart of the village stands the Abbey of Saint-Magloire, founded in the 9th century and a testament to the spiritual and cultural wealth of the region.

  2. An enchanting natural setting: Léhon is nestled in a green setting, with the River Rance winding through the wooded valley. Visitors can enjoy wonderful walks along the river banks, explore the picturesque hiking trails and discover the flower-filled gardens that adorn the village.

  3. Must-see sights: In addition to its medieval abbey, Léhon is home to other must-see sights, such as the Château de Léhon, an imposing fortress dating back to the 11th century, and the Vieux Pont de Léhon, a beautifully preserved stone bridge spanning the River Rance.

  4. An authentic, friendly atmosphere: Léhon is a village with an authentic, friendly atmosphere, with small shops, quaint cafés and a lively weekly market. The friendly locals are proud of their heritage and history, and are always ready to share their passion for their village with visitors.

  5. Cultural and festive events: Léhon is also a dynamic place, regularly hosting cultural events, festivals and craft markets. Visitors can attend open-air concerts, theater performances and art exhibitions, and take part in the local festivities that punctuate village life throughout the year.

The Bon-Repos Abbey

45 minutes drive

Crédits : BOURCIER Simon

The Bon Repos Abbey is a remarkable historical and cultural site, nestled in a magnificent natural landscape.




  1. A place steeped in history: Founded in the 12th century by Cistercian monks, Bon Repos Abbey bears witness to the importance of the monastic order in the region in medieval times. Over the centuries, the abbey has played a central role in the spiritual and economic life of the region.

  2. Impressive architecture : The buildings of Bon Repos Abbey, although partially in ruins, reflect the grandeur and beauty of Cistercian architecture. Visitors can admire the remains of the abbey church, monks' dormitories, refectory and other monastic structures, bearing witness to the daily life of the monks.

  3. An enchanting natural setting: The abbey is located on the banks of the Nantes-Brest canal, in an unspoilt natural setting surrounded by forests, green hills and peaceful lakes. Visitors can enjoy walks along the wooded paths or relax by the water, admiring the picturesque landscape.

  4. A cultural and artistic center: Today, Bon Repos Abbey has become a dynamic cultural center, hosting contemporary art exhibitions, concerts, shows and cultural events throughout the year. These events help to enliven the site and keep its cultural heritage alive.

  5. A place for relaxation and contemplation: Whether you're looking for a guided tour to discover the history of the abbey, a meditative break in the monks' garden or simply to enjoy the tranquility of the setting, Bon Repos Abbey offers visitors a welcome break from their daily routine.

The White Harbour (Porz Gwen)

1h30 drive

Crédits: wikipédia

Port Blanc is a charming little coastal port offering visitors a picturesque and peaceful setting. 


  1. A traditional port: Port Blanc is a traditional fishing port, with colorful boats moored along the quay. Its authentic atmosphere and picturesque character make it an ideal place to stroll and discover the daily lives of local fishermen.

  2. A white-sand beach: Close to the port is a beautiful white-sand beach, ideal for relaxing, swimming and soaking up the Breton sun. The crystal-clear waters are perfect for swimming and water sports, while the soft sand provides a comfortable place to bask in the sun.

  3. Coastal paths: The area around Port Blanc offers magnificent coastal paths, perfect for seaside walks and hikes. The trails wind through varied landscapes, offering spectacular views of the ocean, cliffs and secluded coves.

  4. Fresh seafood: Port Blanc's restaurants offer delicious cuisine based on fresh, locally caught seafood. Visitors can enjoy seafood platters, grilled fish and other seafood specialties, while enjoying views of the harbor and ocean.

  5. A tranquil atmosphere: Port Blanc is a place where you can enjoy a quiet, relaxing atmosphere, far from the hustle and bustle of the big cities. Visitors can recharge their batteries in contact with nature, listen to the sound of the waves and let themselves be lulled by the peaceful rhythm of maritime life.

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